So here's a little thank you....
Thank you to all class members past and present....... thank you to those who come to class in snow, hail, rain or shine. Those with broken hearts, broken minds and broken bones (yes really!!)
Thanks to the ones who attend every class without fail and to those who come when they can. Thanks to stressed out Nanas, tired out Mummies, to weary Daddies - hope the yoga helped!
Thanks to those who only ever came to a class once - I sincerely hope I ignited a spark of interest in yoga and you went on to join a different class or developed a home practice - I really don't mind, just as long as you didn't give up!
Thanks to those who have now moved away, I hope you found a lovely new yoga teacher in your new home town.
Thanks to those who became too ill or frail to attend a yoga class - I hope you found some peace.
Thanks to other yoga teachers who attend my classes, it is truly an honour to have you there.
Thanks to those who fall asleep in savasana and those who struggle to relax but give it a good go every week!
Thanks to those who are determined, those who are curious, those who try their hardest and those who allow themselves to slow down and back off when it is completely against their nature to do less than 100% That truly is a challenge - I completely understand that!
Thank you to everyone who has supported my classes, here's to many more years of yoga!!