Anyway we eventually got up and used my breathing ball toys to open and close with our breath - again the toddlers were concentrating well and really understood what I was asking them to do (some of them are not even 2 years old yet so I was amazed at how focussed they were)
We then had our usual healthy snack which was rice cakes this week - mindfully eaten by smelling first, listening to the crunch and then closed eyes whilst chewing! We then sang some more songs and did accompanying yoga moves. We played 'Who is in the bag?' each child taking a toy animal out and then we all do the pose for that animal before the next animal can be retrieved from the bag.
Next we rolled the mats up and lined them end to end to practice balancing and to practice turn taking. Each child walking along, tight-rope style with arms out to the side - it's always a winner!
Finally we all sat down together and chanted Om three times, this is usually a favourite part of the class for the children (and for me) they all joined in with hands pressed earnestly together in Anjali Mudra. Then we all said Namaste.
So for Full Moon, Summer Solstice and the eve of International Yoga day - my toddler group did superbly well and I think for the first time in almost 5 years of teaching toddlers - I almost stuck to the class plan! It really goes to show you how you just cannot predict how things will turn out. Next week could be a whole different story.....
Happy International Yoga Day!
For details of Claire's teaching schedule and further information on Toddler Yoga see