Hope you are all well and have enjoyed the Summer - despite the changeable weather!!
It's a great time of year as we head into September. All the schools are returning for a brand new year and there is a 'New Year' vibe in the air, a great time to create some healthy new habits - or perhaps get back those healthy habits if they have slipped over the Summer months!
A bit of information and news for you.
Schedule: We resume the usual class schedule as of Wed 6th Sept - this is the day many schools return after the long summer break. If you are a Tuesday evening class member we will be back at the usual venue of Sale United Reformed Church, Montague Rd. on the 5th Sept at 6.15pm. Please note the later session at this venue taught by my Mum (Barbara) does not start back until the 12th Sept. But everyone is welcome at the earlier session on the 5th with me, as we have such a lovely big space, we do not struggle for room!

Online Content: I now have over 2 hours of yoga videos on You Tube - exclusively for my class members. These are really adaptable versatile 12 minute yoga sessions which land in your inbox every Thursday along with a short guided relaxation. This is free content but I do ask if you feel you benefit from the content and can afford to make a small one off contribution then it is much appreciated and helps me to keep going with this side of my work. There is a PayPal button on my website for this. If you'd like to sign up simply pass me your email address and I can add you to the mailing list - or if you just want instant access to 2 hours of videos without receiving future ones then just let me know. Ask me in class if this is not clear!
Remember all information is on my website (address above and below) the 'Classes' tab indicates all the times, venues and prices. The 'Calendar' tab has a link to my Yoga Trail profile where you can see a live calendar, so you can always double check at the click of a mouse if you haven't been to class for a while. (sometimes I cannot instantly answer phone-calls, emails and texts, so checking the calendar is the quickest way!)
Happy September everyone and hope to see you in class soon!