Now I am back into the habit of it and of course I have some available time to do it now the kids are both at school. I am now part of the Interval Study which is looking at whether it is safe for people to donate more regularly than the current system which is every 4 months for females, so I am going every 3 months and so far I feel fine. See details here: http://www.blood.co.uk/donor-information/
There is something so personal about giving blood, there is something more to it than giving money to charity (which of course is a great thing to do if you can) It seems such a simple thing to do but I get such a rewarding feeling, like I am giving something of myself (which in a way is exactly what we are doing when we give blood) all it takes is giving up a bit of time, and you get a biscuit and drink after!! Which I confess was the original reason why I did it over 20 years ago, that and also having half an hour out of work as I worked for the NHS at the time and they allowed us time to go and donate! I like to think I am a little less selfish now and a bit less biscuit orientated! But having said that I have heard a saying that the most selfish thing you can do is help someone else - as we get so many personal benefits from a simple act of giving or helping. An interesting article here about this very subject -http://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/kindness_makes_you_happy_and_happiness_makes_you_kind/
If you don't already donate but think it is something you could do, then see the Blood Donor website and check if you are eligible, it is painless and the staff have always been so lovely and grateful. I have also met some amazing people at the donor centres who have been donating for many, many years and quietly do so without the need to go on about it in a blog!! ;)
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