Tuesday, 24 January 2023

Useful Discomfort

When I look back to childhood I often think I was rather a quirky young person, some might say weird, but I'm sure when we look back, we all find idiosyncracies and remember behaviours that seem a bit odd.

I can remember lying in bed in the Winter and noticing how warm and snug I was, but used to take the covers off for a while, to get really cold and shivery and then quickly get back under the cosy covers again - just so I could enjoy the feeling of warm snugness even more! 

In a similar vein, I did a lot of horse riding and I loved getting cold when going out on the horses in the rain as it felt so good coming home to a hot drink and a steaming bath. It was as if I appreciated the warmth and comfort even more. I suppose at a young age I understood that to enjoy one thing I needed to experience the opposite. To appreciate warmth, I need to know cold, to enjoy happiness, I need to know sadness...to enjoy satiety, I needed to know hunger. It's a simple idea, but one I often think about.

I'm not sure where this came from - as I did start the bed covers thing at a really young age. I'm wondering if my Mum (who most of you know is a yoga teacher too) taught me that things are not always how we want them to be and that having somewhat uncomfortable experiences happen to us, can enable us to feel gratitude when something good happens. It takes work and awareness, because sometimes I still just want to stamp my feet and say "I don't like this!"

As I get older I do have to remind myself of this - I do find myself getting stuck - wanting things to be different sometimes.

In my yoga practice, weight training and my running - this manifests as sometimes feeling discomfort...but reminding myself that I need to know discomfort in order to appreciate those moments of comfort and contentment. It is a constant practice though and perhaps doesn't come as easily to middle aged me, than the me that was 5 years old snuggling under the covers!

What were your little idiosyncracies when you were a child and what purpose do you think they served? Did they come from a deep instinctive place?

(I do acknowledge how lucky i was to have a safe and secure childhood, as I know it is sadly not the same for everyone)

Above image from The Man Made of Stars - Illustrations by Lisa Evans 

For more information about my classes see Yogiclaire.com


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