There was one particular afternoon when I thought I just had to leave my yoga practice and get on with the other 'stuff' but after some thought I decided to do a short 20 minute practice. After doing my practice I was energised, bubbling with ideas and creativity and seemed to get everything done in about half the time it would normally take me. That 20 minutes commitment to keep on with the daily practice really paid off, if I hadn't have done that, then maybe I would have been flitting about from one job to the next without completing anything.
So doing your yoga practice is NEVER EVER a waste of time, apart from all the physical and mental benefits, it can actually make you more effective with your time management, can focus the brain and tease your creativity back to life! I seriously believe it to be true. It is a commitment, but you and all those around you are sure to benefit from a refreshed and revitalised YOU - full of energy, ideas and FUN!!!
My advice would be to schedule in your yoga practice, don't feel you have to do a full-on long session of practice. This can end up demotivating you if you don't get time to do the amount of yoga you had planned - keep it flexible and remember ANY yoga is better than NO yoga.........