Sunday, 15 December 2013

What The Class Members Say.....part 5

1. How long have you been practicing yoga?

I first started practicing about 40 years ago.  I took it up again about 3 years ago and now practice regularly.

2.       What do you feel you get out of your yoga practice? 
Practicing yoga always helps in coping with stressful situations.  I always feel better (calmer) after my regular yoga class - especially after a hectic day.
3.       How do you feel your life has changed since you have been doing a regular yoga practice?
I feel much fitter and stronger.  My outlook is more positive.
4.       What is your favourite posture and why?
I love doing wide-leg forward bend - it is a lovely stretch.
5.       What would you say to someone who is thinking about attending yoga for the first time and a little afraid to take that first step?

Because yoga is not competitive, it is easy to go at your own pace.  You start benefitting right away.  It's a great way to deal with stress.
Questions kindly answered by one of our regular class attendees who hardly ever misses a session!  Thanks to Marjorie Kilbey x

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